Customer Testimonials
Quick Exchange!
5 star review 5 star review 5 star review 5 star review 5 star review
Quick Exchange!
Customer had a machine down and needed an Allen Bradley 2711E-K14C6 monitor.  We had two in stock ready to go.  The customer was on their way to pick it up from across the state.  Item was final-tested, boxed up and ready to go.  The customer picked the item up from our second shift team. They brought an exchange....


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Servo Motors: How We Test Them

Full Run-Testing after a Repair or Remanufacture has been completed.


Once we repair your servo motor, or remanufacture one of ours, we put it through rigorous testing before we ship it back to you. It is hooked-up to an applicable testing module, which is a full loop system, and run-tested for at least 1-hour.

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