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Cool Down and Heat Up Fans and an Oven in Fanuc Power Supply Repair

Cool Down and Heat Up Fans and an Oven in Fanuc Power Supply Repair

By Jade York
Believe it or not, fans and an oven are two of the most crucial parts about Fanuc Power Supply repair.  Why, you ask?  Read on.

Fans Cool Down the Heat Produced by a Power Supply

The most common repair on Fanuc power supplies is the replacement of the fans.  If the fans aren’t working, the heat produced by the power supply during operation can disable it easily.

Fan breakdown can come from over- or improper use of the unit.   Fan problems can also occur as the power supply ages.  Either way, it takes testing to diagnose the problem and make sure that’s the issue and that no other underlying problems are involved.

A static test on the power supply can help determine if anything shorted or if there is any obvious damage.  At Repair Zone, we also place it on a manufacturer-specific test cart to test the operation and see if the issue(s) can be duplicated.

Once the initial testing is done, the power supply should be disassembled and washed in an environmentally safe cleaner to remove any contaminants that could cause problems when running the power supply.

During the washing process, each component of the power supply should visually inspected for any physical or heat related damage, so those areas can be given special attention and checked for possible damage later.

Then, that’s where the oven comes in.

Heat It Up to Dry It Out

Washing the components helps make diagnosis and repair more thorough.   But as you may have already guessed, you can’t further repair and test a wet part.  Enter: an oven.

The excess water should be blown off of the washed power supply components.  Then, at Repair Zone, we bake it. 

The disassembled power supply components are placed in the oven to dry for several hours to make sure all of the water has been removed.

Once the power supply comes out of the oven, the power supply repair process can be started. This is when the failed fan in the power supply would be replaced. Any other components identified as an issue during the initial testing and washing processes should also be replaced.

When the repair is complete, the power supply must be reassembled and moved to a test stand. At Repair Zone, our process includes simulating as many of the machines functions as possible, including running a motor with the specific power supply.

Once the Fanuc power supply has been repaired and has passed a full gamut of test processes, only then is it considered repaired.  That’s why fans and an oven are such a big part of Fanuc Power Supply Repair.

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